Andrew Gilbert, PhD

Andrew Gilbert, PhD

Associate Professor

College of Education and Human Development

Other Positions:


Research Theme:

Digital Technologies - Inventing new algorithms, digital techniques, and technologies

Key Interests:

Wonder and Emotion As A Means to Rekindle Positive Relationships with Science, University School Partnerships, Integrated STEM and Sustainability, Critical/Multicultural Approaches to Education, Qualitative Research Methodologies, International Collaboration and Teaching


PhD, New Mexico State

Research Focus

Dr. Gilbert has been working in education for more than 25 years in numerous school contexts across the globe. His main research interests center on inquiry-based science instruction and facilitating pre-service teachers in the development of powerful science practice at the elementary and middle school levels. This has manifested in the exploration of wonder and emotion as a means to inspire science resistant students to engage in science as both a learner and teacher. He has published his work in a range of outlets including Journal of Research in Science Teaching, Curriculum Inquiry, Journal of Science Teacher Education and Science Education. He is also the author of the book titled: Courageous Pedagogy: Enacting Critical Science Education with Information Age Publishing.


College of Education and Human Development

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