Fei Li, PhD

Associate Professor

Volgenau School of Engineering

Other Positions:

Affiliate Member

Research Theme:


Key Interests:

Online Algorithms, Approximation Algorithms, Scheduling Algorithms


PhD, Computer Science, Columbia University

Research Focus

I am designing online scheduling algorithms and analyzing their competitive performance. One example of online problems is to schedule servers to serve the requests, which are arriving in an online manner, in order to optimize some objectives.

Current Projects

■ Online Algorithms for server-related problems.

Select Publications

M. Böhm et al., Online packet scheduling with bounded delay and lookahead. Theoretical Computer Science, 776, 95-113 (2019).

M. Chrobak et al., A greedy approximation algorithm for minimum-gap scheduling. Journal of Scheduling, 20(3), 279-292 (2017).

F. Li. A near-optimal memoryless online algorithm for FIFO buffering two packet classes. Theoretical Computer Science, 497, 164-172 (2013).

L. Jeż et al., Online scheduling of packets with agreeable deadlines, ACM Transactions on Algorithms, Article No. 5, (2012).


Volgenau School of Engineering

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