IDIA leverages the significant start-up resources in Northern Virginia and provides resources and support to IDIA innovators. Primary partners in this ecosystem include:

Innovation Commercialization Assistance Program (ICAP)
Based on the National Science Foundation’s I-Corps™ program for Lean Startups, ICAP helps inventors and entrepreneurs take the right first steps in bringing new technologies and innovations to market. CAP includes FREE training programs and counseling services offered through ICAP instructors and local Small Business Development Center counselors. ICAP helps startups identify potential customers and develop successful business models based on that knowledge. It is an ideal program for early-stage companies trying to prepare for eventual venture investment.

MACH37™ is designed to facilitate the creation of the next generation of cyber product companies. The unique 90-day program design places heavy emphasis on the validation of product ideas and the development of relationships that produce an initial customer base and investment capital – accelerating a founder’s path to a sustainable business model. Since 2013, MACH37™ has launched 57 cyber companies.

The Mason Enterprise Center is a community-focused business accelerator supported by George Mason University. They help businesses and startups grow and succeed. They provide flexible space to fit your needs, from shared workspace, to private offices and executive offices. As an all-inclusive business accelerator, their mission is to support business owners and entrepreneurs through mentoring, business training, and networking opportunities.

Smart City Works
Smart City Work’s mission is to change the way we design, build and live in cities. They are a new class of business accelerator that can more rapidly commercialize new technologies and innovations. THey take the best inventions in infrastructure and urban technology, and transform them into high-performing growth businesses that improve the livability, operations, and resilience of cities. Specifically, they identify and speed commercialization of the most promising ideas and companies focused on improving how we design, build, and operate civil infrastructure, support business development and growth strategy development for start-ups, emerging companies, and even mature ventures, and foster local and regional economic development.